


Category «Family Policy»

The kids are not alright

One of the largest and longest running studies of social attitudes, the World Values Survey, has found that UK families value their child’s “self-expression” more than the importance of children doing what they are told. The number of British people who thought that children should be taught obedience fell from 42% in 1990 to just …

Review of Feminism Against Progress by Mary Harrington

Feminism Against Progress by Mary Harrington. Reviewed by Joanna Bogle This is a necessary and almost overdue book.  Mary Harrington was involved in drugs,  the “genderqueer” scene, online chats  where any new identity could be adopted…and then, very slowly, various truths and warm realities fostered a time of questioning. It was, powerfully, motherhood that produced …

FET statement on the RSE review

The prime minister, Rishi Sunak, has announced a review of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) in schools. Speaking in Parliament on 8 March, the Prime Minister stated: “I have asked the Department for Education to ensure that schools are not teaching inappropriate or contested content in relationships, sex and health education. Our priority should always …
