A new report by the Family Education Trust (FET) finds that 3 in 10 schools are covering the concept of ‘toxic masculinity’ in RSHE lessons, and argues that contested beliefs surrounding masculinity have crept into the school curriculum in the same manner as gender ideology. The Family Education Trust sent Freedom of Information requests to …
A New Website Is Coming! (Launch Mid-October)
We are happy to report the welcome news that we are finally getting a brand new website in less than a month! This new shop window is an important element of the refresh, renewal, and modernisation of our communications and overall institutional ecosystem. More news will come soon about this, so stay tuned!
FET Annual Conference 2024
We are pleased to announce that bookings for our annual conference on Saturday 21st September are now open! This year we have a new venue at the Army and Navy Club in Pall Mall, central London. Known colloquially as The Rag, it is a opulent venue and attendees can enjoy the beautiful rooms and location …
FET Response to the RHSE Review
On 11th July we submitted our response to the Conservative Government’s consultation reviewing changes to the relationships, sex and health education statutory guidance in response to an inquiry which found that inappropriate content was being taught to children in schools. Overall we welcome the proposed changes to age limits on sex and relationship education although …
Children are in crisis, but no-one mentions family breakdown
This week there have been alarming reports of the state of children’s health in the UK. The Academy of Medical Sciences published a new report on the worsening health of under-fives, highlighting that the UK is 30th out of 49 rich countries for infant mortality. It also found that: One in five children falls short …