


Factsheet – The Lone Parent Trap

Download pdf The Lone-Parent Trap: How the Welfare System Discourages Marriage May 2002 There is a conundrum at the heart of welfare policy in Britain. The government and most people declare support for stable family relationships; they also recognize that two-parent families provide the best life chances for children and the best chance to avoid …

Factsheet – The Facts Behind Cohabitation

Download pdf Families have changed in the last several decades. Instead of getting married, many people are living together or ‘cohabiting’. Some of these cohabitating couples eventually get married. Many of them break up. Very few stay together as cohabitants for long. Is cohabitation a good alternative to marriage? Is it a good way to …

Factsheet – How do fathers fit In?

Download pdf This factsheet is based on the findings of social science, which is primarily concerned with what works best on average. Many individuals will be striving to make the best of a difficult situation and social science does not seek to diminish the importance or sincerity of their efforts. In an open society, however, …

Factsheet – Experiments in Living: The Fatherless Family

Download pdf by Rebecca O’Neill September 2002 John Stuart Mill famously called for ‘experiments in living’ so that we might learn from one another. For about 30 years we have been conducting such an experiment with the family. The time has now come to appraise the results. ‘As it is useful that while mankind are …
