


Letter to ALCS on books promoting transgender ideology

We have written to the Chief Executive of the Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) about two books it has shortlisted for its Educational Writers Award. This is an award for creative educational writing for those aged 11-18.

The two books are What’s the T? by Juno Dawson and The Art of Drag by Jake Hall. Both Hall and Dawson are well-known activists on LGBT and transgender issues. Hall’s main areas of interest are ‘queer culture, drag history and sex work’. Dawson has written books containing drug-fuelled sexual activity between teenagers.

We do not believe that such books are suitable for children as young as 11 and believe that these are not so much education as indoctrination.

Do get in contact with the ALCS via their website if you wish to raise your own objections to the sexualisation and indoctrination of children.

ALCS letter
