WAKING UP TO THE MORNING-AFTER PILL: How parents are being undermined by the promotion of emergency hormonal birth control to under-16s
by Norman Wells and Helena Hayward
Waking Up to the Morning-After Pill documents how the emergency pill came to be vigorously promoted among children and young people, to the extent that three-fifths of Primary Care Trusts are now prepared to insist on its supply to girls under the age of 16 as a condition of granting a pharmacy licence.
The emergency pill is a key strand in government’s teenage pregnancy strategy, but is there any evidence that making it more readily available to girls under 16 will reduce unwanted pregnancy and abortion rates or stem the rise in sexually transmitted infections? This book weighs up the evidence and concludes that the confidential provision of the emergency pill to underage girls strikes at the heart of the relationship between parents and children and carries with it serious health risks and negative social consequences.