Sexual spin


Sorting fact from fiction about sexually transmitted infections Sexually transmitted infection (STI) rates in the UK continue to climb inexorably in spite of increasing condom provision and education. It is universally accepted that the UK is in the midst of a sexual health crisis.





Sorting fact from fiction about sexually transmitted infections Sexually transmitted infection (STI) rates in the UK continue to climb inexorably in spite of increasing condom provision and education. It is universally accepted that the UK is in the midst of a sexual health crisis, with over a million new cases of STIs every year, and children as young as eleven getting gonorrhoea, genital warts and other STIs in increasing numbers. Among sexually active teenagers, as many as one in ten may be infected with chlamydia. Our new health education leaflet, Sexual Spin, shows why a condom-based strategy for addressing the crisis in sexual health is doomed to failure. It aims to cut through the spin and get to the heart of the problem by facing the facts.
