About us

The Family Education Trust (FET) was founded in 1973 as the ‘Responsible Society Research and Education Trust’. It functioned as the charitable wing of the Responsible Society, which was founded in 1971 to advocate for social responsibility in sexual conduct and cultural attitudes towards sex so that due weight would be given to the importance of the family and future generations, and to combat the ‘Permissive Society’ commercialisation and trivialisation of sex.

The Responsible Society became ‘Family and Youth Concern’ in 1985, and its mission became to continue to advance public education in matters of family welfare and personal relationships, to prevent distress caused by irresponsible sexual behaviour.

The Trust became the Family Education Trust in 1992, merging with Family and Youth Concern in 1998. Throughout its history, the mission of the Trust has been to carry out and promote research into the family founded on marriage, as well as the social, medical, economic and psychological consequences of different patterns of sexual behaviour and family breakdown, and to collect, collate, publish and disseminate the useful results of such research for the public benefit.

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